Thread Painting!
Betsy Habich
Learn how to use free-motion straight and zig-zag stitches to create photorealistic images entirely from thread (or improve your skills and learn some tips!) Ideal subjects include pets, birds, and other animals, landscapes, and flowers. Most students will complete one 8 ½” x 11” thread-painting and begin a second. On day one, students will start by learning the basics: how to make a quilt sandwich for thread-painting; balance your unique sewing machine’s tension for thread painting; practicing free-motion straight, zig-zag stitching, and color blending; and analyzing line and color in a source image. Students will be working on individual projects with the instructor providing one-on-one coaching through the week. Each day, special topics will be presented to add to your thread-painting tool kit. Examples include: animal eyes, deciduous and evergreen trees, sky and water, minimizing distortion, addressing serious distortion, simplifying complex or cluttered backgrounds (colorwash backgrounds), and more.
Download the Workshop Supply Sheet (PDF)
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